WearFlags is a Zazzle Gallery of flag t-shirts, hats, ties, bumper stickers, keychains, and more with designs inspired by the flags of countries around the world such as the USA, Jamaica, Germany, the UK, Cuba, Mexico, Ireland, Kenya, Nigeria, and Trinidad. It was created to encourage patriotism and the expression of national and ethnic pride. Show your pride! Wear the Flag!
Friday, March 20, 2009

Products for Peace in Mexico

I'm like most people. I watch the news to see what's going on in the world and the enormity of the issues we as a global community face sometimes makes me feel powerless. There are people all over the world struggling to survive everyday but we have our own lives to live. What can we do about it? The easy answer is nothing. It's easy to ignore what's going on if it doesn't affect us. On the other hand it takes effort to affect change. In fact, it takes lots of effort by many people. However, that effort can begin with something as small as raising the issue at the dinner table, or writing a blog post, or donating $10 to a charitable organization. I've found that my small effort can be promoting peace through the designs I create for WearFlags.com.

In light of the escalating drug war in Mexico and the thousands of lives lost I decided to promote peace with my latest product line. Below are my first two designs intended to show some support for the innocent victims in Mexico. I can't save them myself but maybe someone who wears my products can get the attention of someone who can.

Click here the entire line.


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